Heart Star


Today, I want to introduce a mobile game, Heart Star. It made by developer Jussi Simpanen in 2014, is another platformer, but one that requires the control of not one, but two characters. The player needs to control thimgres.jpgem together to activate areas of each level so that both characters can reach their respective exit. The experience of this game is more like the games I played when I was very young. The whole game is smooth and delightful. 

Life Is Strange

I just found a nice game this week. Actually, this game was released in 2015. It is called Life Is Strange and this game has 5 episodes.images.jpg

The game’s plot focuses on Max Caulfield, a photography student who discovers that she has the ability to rewind time at any moment, leading her every choice to enact the butterfly effect. After having foreseen an approaching storm, Max must take on the responsibility to prevent it from destroying her town. The player’s actions will adjust the narrative as it unfolds, and reshape it once allomaxresdefault.jpgwed to travel back in time. Fetch quests and making environmental changes represent the forms of puzzle solving in addition to using branching choices for conversation.

I really enjoyed the art style of this game. This game received many different rewards and the review from players is positive. It is a good choice for the players who enjoy puzzle solving games. I like the Life is Strange.


Night In The Woods

This week, I saw a imgresnice trailer of a new game, Night In the Woods. It is a 2D story-focused adventure game. In this game, players have many extracurricular activities to enjoy, characters to meet, and secrets to discover. Players gain abilities that grant passage to new areas and discover the secrets of a large cast of characters as well as the town itself. Experience a big crazy world and the remarkable events.

The players’ reviews of the game are positive.

DarkStation said ” while I can try to find something negative to say about the game it would be absolute nitpicking and at this point, nothing comes to mind. I can certainly say that Night in the Woods’ relatable and lifelike story won’t be for everyone, and I can imagine some finding the characters too whiny or depressing. However, I think the people who enjoy these kinds of stories and characters will be in for one of the best examples of lifelike interactions and relatable storylines in a game to date. Night in the Woods blends beautiful art, a nuanced soundtrack, and expertly crafted, human writing into a single, cohesive experience. ”

IGN Spain said “Night in the Woods is a universal game about the fear of becoming and adult. A fear of struggling with politics, money and family. A fear of losing your beloved ones and yourself. A fear of life itself. But it’s also a survival guide to life and adulthood and one of the best-written video games of the last few months.”
From what they said, this game should be a nice game with a strong storytelling. This game focus on players’ experiences. It is an art. I like this style. I will try it during this summer break.


Average of American Gamer

The Entertainment Software Association has published its annual report on the essential facts about gaming habits in America. The result is the average of more than 4,000 households nationwide. The survey is about what kinds of games and how they paly those games.


  • 63 percent of U.S. households surveyed include at least one frequent gamer.
  • 65 percent of homes own a video game-playing device, while 48 percent own “a dedicated game console.”
  • 47 percent of gamers are between 18 and 49 years old.
  • The average guy who plays games is 35; the average woman is 44.
  • 59 percent of those who play games on a regular basis are men; 41 percent are women.
  • The average gamer has been playing video games for 13 years.

How we play games

  • The most frequently played gaming device is the PC (56 percent of respondents), followed by dedicated consoles (53 percent) and smartphones (36).
  • 54 percent of respondents play games with other people, including friends (40 percent) and family members (21 percent).

How much money we spend

  • In short: A whole lot. Consumers spent $23.5 billion on the gaming industry in 2015. $16.5 billion was spent on gaming content alone.

This is not the full report of this survey, but it shows the basic habits of American gamers.

Which is a better game Clash of Clans or Clash Royale?

Clash of Clans is the first mobile game that I played over two years. Clash of clans tasks players to build their own town using the resources that gained from other players through the game’s fighting feature. The main sources are gold, elixir and dark elixir. Clash of Clans was released to positive reviews, garnering high ratings from many critics. Many reviewers liked Clash of Clans’ gameplay.

Before I played Clash Royale, Clash of clans is the best game in my mind. Clash Royal is more fun to play.

1.You don’t have to wait hours to attack.

In this game, players do not need to wait for troops. Instead, they just need to grab the cards and attack.

2. There are rewards to keep you interested.

The reward system of Clash Royale is two parts. Different from Clash of clans, it also has free feature boxes to keep you interested in it.

3.You don’t have to spend money to be good.

In this game, I can not give me a reason why I need to buy gems. I can ask cards from the clan or keep open more boxes.

So, Clash Royale is a better casual game than Clash of clans. It won’t take too much time, and you can play it whenever you want. The best thing is players do not need to be worried about their trophies.

What is social media

Social media is a collection of online communication channels that are dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content sharing, and collaboration.

Websites and apps dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social planning and wiki are different types of social media.

The most popular social medias are Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Wikipedia, and LinkedIn.  We are surrounded by various social medias. They enhance our lives.jess3_briansolis_conversationprism4_web_1280x1024

The Sims 4- City Living

Today I want to introduce a game that is the Sims 4: City Living. I just bought this game for three days. I really enjoy it. City Living is different from others. The community holds a lot of different events, and the characters have more chance to make new friends.

There are some new things I really like.

  1. Steward

In the City Living, the character can hire a steward. although it will cost a lot, but the steward can keep the house clean and neat. He can cook for your family, and help the character host a wonderful party.

2. Events and fireworks

Almost every two days, the city will hosts an event. The character can buy gift and fireworks during the event. p60132780

3. Relationship with neighborhood

In the City Living, the character moves to an apartment. The living condition is not as good as the single house. The relationships between neighbors affect on character’s live. they may quarrel with each other, or the have a nice time together. It enhances the gameplay. p60132787

It is a nice DLC for the Sims 4. It makes the game more like a real world. It is the most worthy DLC in the Sims 4.


2016: The Most Popular Social Network

In 2016, the social network is one part of people’s lives. At the spare time, people are holding their cell phone and enjoy the time with friends through the social network. Even the student at the sixth grade, most of them have smartphones. They enjoy the time spent on social media.

Which are the most popular social networks?

The compilation of the most popular social networks worldwide prepared by Statista give a clear picture with Fastatistic_id272014_global-social-networks-ranked-by-number-of-users-2016-768x1090.pngcebook ruling supreme. It won’t be a shock to anyone. As everyone knows Facebook is a  worldwide social network. With the grand user population,  Facebook has over 1,590 million active users. The second is WhatsApp. It also belong to Facebook, so the biggest social network company is Facebook. It is amazing that QQ, WeChat and Qzone share 2,190 active users. Those three SNS are from same company in China. It is Called Tencent. Facebook and Tencent share the most of active users.  They are the most popular social network company in the world.


H1Z1: King of the Kill


What is H1Z1: King of the Kill?

H1z1: King of the Kill is another alpha game that I picked up with a couple of friends to pass the time and see what all the hype was about.

This game is actually a game-mode created by the developers separate from H1Z1: Just Survive. Basically the developers, Daybreak, made H1z1 some time ago with king of the kill included in the game, but decided it would be better to make it a separate entity because of the popularity.

H1z1 is a first/third person shooter that throws up to 150 players into what is referred to as a battle royal, essentially a large Deathmatch, and last person standing is declared the winner.

The basic structure of gameplay is; everyone gets dropped from the sky with a parachute onto a massive map. Players must hit the ground running, literally.

Each player is armed with basically nothing but the clothes on their back so they must, as fast as possible, find a weapon, backpack, health kits, armor, and other items that will be helpful later in game.

Like stated before its 150 players in each game, which means the very beginning is quite chaotic. On average, the number of players goes from around 150 to around 80 within the first 2 minutes. That is a lot of shooting and killing right off the bat, but players aren’t required to stay in the lobby after dying. Once a player dies they may exit the match and find a new one before the first one is even over.


After the first 5 minutes or so players are forced to move inward in the game space to a smaller circle, or else players will die from incoming toxic gas.

This basically assures players will find each other and matches won’t last hours and hours. As time goes by the circle gets smaller and the gas gets stronger and faster.

Once the unlucky souls killed off and the game plunges into mid and late game, players essentially just roam the map exploring for loot, staying away from toxic gas, and of course killing each other. The gameplay stays consistent at this point, as the number goes down the strategy changes but core game play stays the same.

And if you are lucky enough to play to the end and conquer all other players, you will claim King of the Kill! Last one standing wins.

Also this game has 2 other features of playing with friends, there is a duos option (play with one other person on your team) and there is a fives option (play with up to 5 people on your same team).


Why is H1Z1 fun?

This game is interesting in many ways. First let’s look at the core idea; the concept of having a massive online battle where you have to survive all the way to the end without dying. This is interesting because I actually haven’t played any games like this, or at least this massive, because the only way this game works is with large amount of players. The lower the player count, the less fun the game becomes, and it’s hard to say that there will be another of its kind (even though there are plenty of its kind, just not to H1z1’s extent).

Next we look at the content, or actual gameplay. This game really knows how to drive the adrenaline out of players. If you fully immerse yourself into this game, just imagine, you are being literally dropped into a huge area of space with nothing more than your outfit and some binoculars and knowing there are 149 other people that want you dead. You are your only friend in this game, (assuming you are playing solo) from start to finish. The game itself is very fast pace, players are immediately forced to find the first gun they see and kill the first person they see to insure their own safety, also knowing there are probably 5 more players in the next room waiting to kill then at first glance. There is such an immediate sense of danger at all times, the players (especially new players) feel the stress of life and death (obviously not to real life standards but it is stress).

Lastly we look at the game’s combat. Aside from this game being quite buggy (and by quite buggy I mean extremely buggy at points) the combat system is something to look at because it’s different than your conventional shooter. The game’s combat is pretty simplistic and it really doesn’t give players much help, and by that

I mean unless you have a scoped weapon, which there is only 2 in the game, you are manually lining up your cross hairs with the target from, at sometimes, hundreds of yards away. This is actually pretty neat because it immerses the player even more by making it feel like quite realistic.


What did I take from H1Z1?

H1z1 is a very enjoyable game, not including the countless bugs in the game. The game gives players a sense of danger and excitement, it gives players that adrenaline rush from games, every time you see one of the other players in game, and it gives you the rush of competition. This game is not for casual players, it’s fast paced and high action. Which I enjoy a lot, if you can’t tell.

If you were to take anything from this game it would be the experience, it’s not exactly one of a kind but yet it is… There are plenty of games with this core idea but it seems that H1z1: King of the Kill has done it the best. The experience you will receive from this game, if done correctly is an exciting one, with full immersion and high octane game play, alongside getting that sense of competition.

Importance of Entertainment

In order to support human life, people spend a lot of times at work. They do not get too much time for curriculum activities. However, all the human needs to relax and communicate with others. The best way to balance life is entertainment. No matter which age group that people belong to, everyone should get pleasure from different special events.

Entertainment can reduce the pressure from life. Life is a competition. Since people were born, the competition was started. As long as people still breath, the competition never stops. What the competition brings to people is pressure. No one can live under high pressure from life long time. The pressure will drive people crazy. Entertainment is a nice media that makes human forget competition and reduce pressure. It gives every people a chance to take a break from life. Entertainment can bring happiness to everyone who enjoys it.When people enjoy the entertainment, smiles will show on their faces.

Entertainment is part of human life. Human beings live together in a group. They need communication because it is basic human needs. The most common way to get people together and talk is sharing entertainment. When people play games together or appreciate the same artwork, they get a common topic can talk with. So human being cannot live without entertainment.

Entertainment is so important for the human being. It not only can balance people’s life, but also satisfy basic human needs. Thus, everyone should pay greater attention to different kinds of entertainment. Life is only once. Why not make life more comfortable and enjoy it.